Team Custom Concepts Group Buy in Progress
Attention AR and Magazine group buy people. I just found out who's handling Joe's estate. In order to get what you had ordered or refund on your order.
Please contact:
John S Peavey Law Office
827 6th Ave
De Witt, Iowa 52742
Title: Joe J Licht Estate
case: 07491 ESPR019738 (Jackson)
Petition in Probate
Chilli Match Results 2/09
Well we got the match results. There was a nice turn out for a indoor match, 32 entries. These are the combined divisions results. Owner Joe L took 15th Single Stack, 19th Single Stack, and 32nd with Revolver. Team Captain Chris M had gun trouble and only shot it once. He finished 17th Single Stack. Chris D took 11th open, 14th Single Stack, and 22nd Single Stack.