Team Custom Concepts Group Buy in Progress
Attention AR and Magazine group buy people. I just found out who's handling Joe's estate. In order to get what you had ordered or refund on your order.
Please contact:
John S Peavey Law Office
827 6th Ave
De Witt, Iowa 52742
Title: Joe J Licht Estate
case: 07491 ESPR019738 (Jackson)
Petition in Probate
Hot New Color = Anodized Blue
Well Joe got in a few new colors. Heres one of the hot new colors anodized blue. We had to see it, so we painted my 1911 again..... lol. It gets paint jobs all the time to see how they work. I love it, it matches are Team Custom Concepts shirts. Cant wait to show up at the range with it. What ya think?